
Inserting Data from an ESP32 to a MySQL database using PHP and Arduino IDE

Hello there! Welcome to my 4th and last article today! I'll say this one more time: Today I am writing 4 articles. Each about experiments with the ESP32. This one, is the last (finally). All of these experiments (as well as the 2 previous ones I did:  this  and  this one ) were held during this awful pandemic. To complete them me and my 2 friends went to several GoogleMeets. Sometimes, my equipment failed sometimes theirs did, so I apologise for the poor documentation job. Alright here we go! These are the 4 experiments I'm writing about: 1.  Plotting Real Time Sensor Readings on a web server from an ESP32 2.  Publishing Sensor Readings from an ESP32 to Google Sheets 3. Receiving data on an ESP32 from an HTML form on a web server 4. Inserting and Displaying recorded sensor readings from an ESP to a MySQL database All of them are based on . Enjoy this last project! The basic idea of this project is to make measur...

Receiving Data on ESP32 from a HTML form of its Web Server using Arduino IDE

Hello there! As you probably already read two times before now (or not): Today I am posting 4 articles, each about experiments with the ESP32. This one, is the third. All of these experiments (as well as the 2 previous ones I did:  this  and  this one ) were held during this awful pandemic. To complete them me and my 2 friends went to several GoogleMeets. Sometimes, my equipment failed sometimes theirs did, and sometimes something else did so I apologise for the poor documentation job. Alright here we go! These are the 4 experiments I'm writing about: 1.  Plotting Real Time Sensor Readings on a web server from an ESP32 2. Publishing Sensor Readings from an ESP32 to Google Sheets 3. Receiving data on an ESP32 from an HTML form on a web server 4. Inserting and Displaying recorded sensor readings from an ESP to a MySQL database All of them are based on . Let's jump right into this third project! The basic idea of this p...

Publishing DHT 11Sensor Readings from ESP32 to Google Sheets using Arduino IDE

Hello there! As you know (or not) I'm currently writing 4 articles, each about experiments with the ESP32. This one, is the second! All of these experiments (as well as the 2 previous ones I did:  this  and  this one ) were held during this awful pandemic. To complete them me and my 2 friends went to several GoogleMeets. Sometimes, my equipment failed sometimes theirs did, and eventually something else did, so I apologise for the poor documentation job. Alright here we go! These are the 4 experiments I'm writing about: 1.  Plotting Real Time Sensor Readings on a web server from an ESP32 2. Publishing Sensor Readings from an ESP32 to Google Sheets 3. Receiving data on an ESP32 from an HTML form on a web server 4. Inserting and Displaying recorded sensor readings from an ESP to a MySQL database All of them are based on . Let's start the second project! The basic idea of this project is to periodically log sensor measu...

Plotting Real Time Sensor Readings on Web Servers using ESP32 and Arduino IDE

Hello there! Today I will be posting 4 articles, each about experiments with the ESP32. This one, is the first. All of these experiments (as well as the 2 previous ones I did: this  and this one ) were held during this awful pandemic. To complete them me and my 2 friends went to several GoogleMeets. Sometimes, my equipment failed sometimes theirs did, so I apologise for the poor documentation job. Alright here we go! These are the 4 experiments I'm gonna be writing about: 1. Plotting Real Time Sensor Readings on a web server from an ESP32 2. Publishing Sensor Readings from an ESP32 to Google Sheets 3. Receiving data on an ESP32 from an HTML form on a web server 4. Inserting and Displaying recorded sensor readings from an ESP to a MySQL database All of them are based on . Let's dive into the first topic! Alright, what will be done in this project is very similar to the weather station project I did before. Difference: the HTML...

Building a Weather Station with BME280 and ESP32 using Arduino IDE

Hello people! Welcome to another ESP32 experiment. Last time I created a simple webserver to control an ESP32. The idea of it was to access an IP address over a web browser to wirelessly light-up LED's wired to an ESP32 via Wi-Fi Connection. If you haven't read it you should! :) This time I'm gonna combine the ability of the ESP to create web servers with the ability of the BME280 sensor to record weather conditions! So to display those measurements on a browser we're gonna need to create a table using an HTML web page that can be modified with CSS programming. This project is based on . Step 1 - Hardware Requirement For today here's what we'll need: A Microcontroller (ESP32) A laptop/PC and compartments to connect to the ESP32 Exactly 4 Female-Male Jumper Wires The BME280 weather sensor Step 2 - Software Requirement If you haven't set up the Arduino IDE on your computer you can  c...