
Showing posts from March, 2020

Building a Weather Station with BME280 and ESP32 using Arduino IDE

Hello people! Welcome to another ESP32 experiment. Last time I created a simple webserver to control an ESP32. The idea of it was to access an IP address over a web browser to wirelessly light-up LED's wired to an ESP32 via Wi-Fi Connection. If you haven't read it you should! :) This time I'm gonna combine the ability of the ESP to create web servers with the ability of the BME280 sensor to record weather conditions! So to display those measurements on a browser we're gonna need to create a table using an HTML web page that can be modified with CSS programming. This project is based on . Step 1 - Hardware Requirement For today here's what we'll need: A Microcontroller (ESP32) A laptop/PC and compartments to connect to the ESP32 Exactly 4 Female-Male Jumper Wires The BME280 weather sensor Step 2 - Software Requirement If you haven't set up the Arduino IDE on your computer you can  c...

Creating a simple ESP32 Web Server to light LED's with Arduino IDE

Hello there! It's been quite a while since my last post but I'm back and about to try another ESP32 project! So, this time I will try to create a simple webserver to control an ESP32. The basic idea of this project is to access an IP address over a web browser to wirelessly light-up LED's wired to an ESP32 via Wi-Fi Connection. This particular IP address is created by the ESP32 through Arduino IDE and will be accessible on any device's web browser connected to the local network. This project is based on . Step 1 - Hardware Requirement So here's what we'll need: A Microcontroller (ESP32) A laptop/PC and compartments to connect to the ESP32 Enough Jumper Wires (I am using 3 Male-Females and 3 Male-Males) A Breadboard 2 LEDs 2 Resistors A power bank (optional) Additionally, you can use variations of future devices to connect to the webserver, I have prepared my cellphone. Step 2 - Software Requirement If you hav...

Jika gelap harap terang, jika ujian mohon tenang!

Harapan segenap civitas akademik dalam suatu universitas antara lain adalah untuk dapat menjalankan kegiatan sehari-hari yang berupa kegiatan akademik maupun nonakademik dengan tenang dan tentram. Di kampus ITB terkadang antarsatu sama lain tidak menyadari bahwa sebuah kondisi yang diwujudkan oleh orang tertentu menghambat kelancaran kegiatan orang lain. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan memberikan pandangan saya terhadap suatu permasalahan yang saya temukan disertai rancangan solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. 1. Identifikasi Masalah 1. Kebisingan yang mengganggu kegiatan Belajar Mengajar Dalam perkuliahan sehari-hari, pagi, siang, maupun sore, seringkali terjadi kondisi dimana terjadi kebisingan yang tidak diinginkan, padahal terdapat aturan kampus yang melarang terjadinya bentuk-bentuk kejadian yang dapat menyebabkan kebisingan dan mengganggu perkuliah hingga jam tertentu. Sebagai contoh, dosen ingin memulai kelas ataupun mengajar dengan tenang atau...